Confidentiality and Limit of Liability

Any information divulged to the Life Coach by the Client shall remain completely confidential, except in the event of the Life Coach’s knowledge of any illegal activity by the Client, or admission by the Client of the intent to commit an illegal act. The Client acknowledges the obligation of the Life Coach to cooperate fully with law enforcement and other authorities as required by law.

The Client acknowledges that the Life Coach is not in the business of providing advice, medical, legal or otherwise, and the Client should retain the services of a qualified professional in any particular area where such qualified advice is required.

Furthermore, the Life Coach does not provide therapy or mental health counseling. Clients with psychological or other medical problems should consult a qualified health care professional. Any action taken in regard to therapy, medical advice, or mental health counseling, or any other activity not directly related to the

Services provided to the Client by the Life Coach will be at the sole discretion of and will remain the sole responsibility of the Client, and the Life Coach will not be held accountable and shall remain blameless for any consequences arising as a result of any professional therapy, counseling or any other activity not directly related to the Services provided by the Life Coach.